Принятые сокращения и их значения, используемые при описании генетики амадин Гульда

На первый взгляд генетика может показаться довольно трудныи предметом для понимания простым любителем, далеким от биологии. Но не всё так мрачно и понять кое, что всё таки можно, в части касаемой наших птиц. Начнем с разбора наиболее часто встречающихся сокращений, их "народных названий" и правильных научных определений.

Конечно же речь идет о в первую очередь об амадинах Гульда и их генетике. Нам ведь интересно понять, как получаются те или иные вариации окрасов гульдовых амадин.

Запомните, что в сокращениях всегда первым пунктом идет описание (обозначение) цвета головы, по английски голова HEAD , следовательно вторая буква всегда будет H, а первая в зависимости от описываемой птицы, например красноголовая птица RED - красный, будет обозначена вот так RH....

Abbreviations:                What it is:            Common Names:

RH PB GB       red head, purple breast, green back      Normal RH

BH PB GB    black head, purple breast, green back      Normal BH

YH PB GB    yellow head, purple breast, green back    Normal YH/

                                                                                     Orange Head

RH LB GB        red head, lilac breast, green back

BH LB GB      black head, lilac breast, green back

YH LB GB      yellow head, lilac breast, green back

RH WB GB       red head, white breast, green back

BH WB GB    black head, white breast, green back

YH WB GB    yellow head, white breast, green back

RH PB GB sf pastel      same as above description         RH Dilute

BH PB GB sf pastel           "                                             BH Dilute

YH PB GB sf pastel           "                                   Orange Head Dilute

RH LB GB sf pastel           "                                 RH LB yellow back sf

BH LB GB sf pastel           "                                            BH LB YB sf

YH LB GB sf pastel           "                                            OH LB YB sf

RH WB GB sf pastel          "                                 RH WB YB sf

BH WB GB sf pastel          "                                 BH WB YB sf

YH WB GB sf pastel          "                                 YH WB YB sf

RH PB GB df pastel          the double factor         RH PB YB  

                                        causes the body to       RH PB Yellow Back

                                           appear yellow

BH PB GB df pastel      same as above description    BH PB YB

YH PB GB df pastel           "                                        OH PB YB

RH LB GB df pastel           "                                        RH LB YB

BH LB GB df pastel           "                                        BH LB YB

YH LB GB df pastel     sometimes  df or DF added     OH LB YB df 

RH WB GB df pastel          "                                        RH WB YB DF

BH WB GB df pastel          "                                        BH WB YB

YH WB GB df pastel          "                                        YH WB Yellow

RH PB BB         red head, purple breast, blue back     Straw head,

                                                                                    Salmon head

                                                                                    Beige Head

BH PB BB      black head, purple breast,blue back    Black Head Blue

RH LB BB         red head, lilac breast, blue back

BH LB BB       black head, lilac breast, blue back                             

RH WB BB      red head, white breast, blue back             

BH WB BB      Black head, white breast, blue back

RH PB BB sf pastel                     same as                 Pastel                  

BH PB BB sf pastel            above description             sf blue

RH LB BB sf pastel               "

BH LB BB sf pastel               "

RH WB BB sf pastel              "

BH WB BB sf pastel              "

RH PB BB df pastel         the double factor                  Silver

BH PB BB df pastel    causes the body to appear        White

                                         silver or white                    DF Blue

RH LB BB df pastel               "

BH LB BB df pastel               "

RH WB BB df pastel              "

BH WB BB df pastel              "

Other abbreviations and terms:

/  or split                            split for              some genes are hidden, recessive

                                                                    yet the bird may pass this on to

                                                                    produce birds of a different color

dom                                  dominant            a gene that is dominant and will

                                                                    visiable to the eye

rec                                    recessive             a gene that is recessive and will

                                                                     not be visible but may be past on

                                                                     to the young with pairing of another

                                                                     recessive bird

SF or sf                             single factor       identifies that the bird has

                                                                    inherited a single copy of


DF or df                            double factor      identifies that the bird has

                                                                    inherited a double copy of 


RL   or   rl                           red line           describes the red

                                                                  line seperating the breast

                                                                  from the belly

FL or fl                       fusion line          Same as above

OH                                    orange head     just another term for yellow head

rtb  or ytb                       red tipped beak or yellow tipped beak

dwb                             dirty white breast   describes the mixed

                                                                   breast color of a lilac

                                                                   and white breast

LB                                 lilac breast            describe light purple breast color

RB                                 rose breast           describes the lighter 

                                                                    shade of lilac

TH                               tangerine head        describes a orange red

                                                                          head color

Mel                             melanistic             describes the abnormal

                                                                    dark/black spots

Lutino                                                          red eyed yellow

Albino                                                          red eyed white

CW                        clear wing                 describes absense of

                                                                     wing color

SG                         seagreen color           US rare mutation

RB                          royal blue                  US rare mutation

AY                         Australian Yellow        US rare mutation

Pd                           Pied                            US rare mutation

BLH                         blue head                 possible new mutation




Other general bird abbreviations :

AYG                        avian gastric yeast, also known as megabacteria

CE  or clearegg      eggs that are not fertilized 

Crested                   Feathers of the head form in a circular pattern 

DIS                         dead in shell.  chicks that died before hatching

DY                          doubled yolk, two yolks in one shell 

EB                          egg bound

Egg Swap              practice of trading eggs, selling eggs to others to place under

                              there birds or foster birds

Fledgling               Young chicks as they leave the nest

Fosters                   A pair of birds used to rear chicks of another. Commonly societity finches 

                              are used but it can be any species of birds used.

Pip                         The early process of the chick breaking free of it's shell

Pip Tooth               A hard nodule on the tip of the beak to aid in pipping. This 'tooth' disapears 

                              within a few days





Категория: Об амадинах Гульда | Добавил: Lediguld (15.06.2010)
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